New material: “Example of a PLE”

During the first transnational meeting in Portugal a seminar was given on the pertinence of the PLEs in formal education. The partners found it difficult to understant the concepts and wanted to see a “real” PLE. This is a video of a PLE that one teacher of the partnership has built and the reasons he used to choose the technologies for it.

First transnational meeting

The first transnational meeting of the PEOPLE project took place in Leiria, Portugal, on the 12th and 13th of November this year. It was a very intensive meeting, with some seminars and discussion periods. The partners agreed on a strategy for the project and “homework” for the next 6 months.

Hello World!

Hello World!

This website is finally up! And this is its first post, saluting every member of the partnership and all the audience of teachers, academics and general public that is interested in this project and on using Personal Learning Environments.

Everyone is welcome!